Living Rivers - Colorado Riverkeeper
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Living Rivers Mission

Rivers Wild and Free

Living rivers provide clean, fresh water to quench our thirst and feed our children. Nourish habitat for fish and wildlife in our forests, prairies, wetlands and estuaries. Sculpt and shape our landscape, livelihoods and culture. Convey wisdom and the need to respect the Earth 's fragility. Meander without prejudice, through wilderness, towns and cities. Bring peace,joy and refuge. Life on Earth depends on rivers,and now they must depend on us.

Rivers At Risk

Most rivers have been transformed, their environmental integrity all but destroyed. Excessive water diversion are causing rivers to run dry. Pollutants have poisoned others to near death. Dams and channelizaton schemes are choking vital flows. The mere appearance of a clean river often masks the slow demise occurring within and around it. So much of our river infrastructure is not needed and pollution unnecessary. Significant change in environmental policies and regulations are necessary, but by themselves will not ensure our rivers can support life for future generations.

River CPR

A major shift in public attitudes for reviving our rivers is urgently needed, allowing them to flow forever with fresh, clean, unregulated water. It's time for:

  • CONSERVATION and efficient, equitable use of water supplies and energy
  • PRESERVATION of our remaining free-flowing and wild rivers
  • RESTORATION of dammed, diverted, and polluted rivers, making them once again vibrant and healthy

Living Rivers...and You

Help heal river ecosystems by mobilizing public support and involvement for large-scale river restoration. Living Rivers provides leading-edge advocacy, working in diverse communities, churches, and classrooms... on the rivers and on the road, building a movement to:

  • Free the Rivers for all to enjoy
  • Save Endangered Species
  • Protect Wildlife Habitat
  • Promote respectful and equitable water use

Although unique to the US, the name and concept of Living Rivers has been used in Latin America, Europe and Asia. We stand in solidarity with these and all groups working toward the revival of rivers around the world. To learn more about this growing movement contact: International Rivers Network.

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Last Update: July 21, 2004

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Living Rivers    PO Box 466     Moab, UT 84532     435.259.1063